Mapping and Security Research

From the “We should have trademarked this” department: McAfee came out with their “Mapping the Mal Web“[PDF] report and are proving that innovation is best left for the smaller players to meddle with, only to be used later by the big guys.

Not that there is anything revolutionary about the report – it’s the same basic “look at what we could figure out from our logs” type, loaded with graphs and tables (as opposed to forward looking research, or one that dares to predict or create a disruptive technological/behavioral change). But the mere use of “MalWeb” is funny since I clearly remember starting to use it in an internal meeting some years ago back when we used to issue reports ourselves…

In any case – use this “with caution” (just as you would use last years financial news to base your investments on), or better yet – just use the graphs and maps to scare potential customers 🙂 Hope that the nest report would have a somewhat beefed up sections discussing “what to look for” (a mere single paragraph here), and more discussions on the thinking of how domain names are picked by eCrime operators to reach their target audience.

Keep safe!


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