Some additional BlueHat wrap-up –  a collaborative post with a dear colleague of mine Fyodor Yarochkin has just been posted on the BlueHat blog.
The interesting thing about this is that my interaction with Fyodor have been as follows:
Email exchange prior to BlueHat, as we were speaking one after the other, and were referring to the same ecosystems but from different points of view.
- Meeting in Seattle/Redmond at BlueHat, having some conversations (and drinks, yes, some drinks were involved too) about work, research, and such.
- Speaking one after the other.
- Working together on a post through online sharing tools where we basically played with throwing ideas around, putting in writing what we thought about them, exchanging some ideas and directions, and coming up with the aforementioned post.
To sum this up quickly, we didn’t really know each other (not virtually either) a few weeks ago, and based on our mutual interests, research and passion we were able to come up with a (somewhat) cohesive post that at least I can stand back and say “damn!, that’s pretty good” (and learn something from).
Only in InfoSec!
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