Please say it ain’t so! Spy agencies are spying?
I’m actually going to go out on a limb here and present my (again – MY) opinion, which might pass as complicated by people with very deterministic views (or are being spoon-fed said views through the media of their choice).
First – I think that the Der Spiegel article that covers the “latest” NSA spying capabilities ( is very important, and I applaud Jake and the crew that covered this. If you haven’t yet, go read it and go over the slides. Also make sure to read through the “product catalog” here:Â
So you are back? Great! That being said, I do think that spy agencies should continue spying. BLAM! And yes, it makes total sense to me. Because I do think that spy agencies should keep spying in order to keep their corresponding nations safe. It’s all about the tradecraft and trying to keep a step ahead of your potential enemies.
Yes, that WILL entail walking (and falling over) a very fine line between legal implications and privacy. It means that as always – agencies will spy on foreign nationals AND citizens. Because yes – terrorists and adversaries do not have boundaries that are defined by the color of your passport. And opposed Jake’s claim in his CCC talk, “carpet bombing” is a totally legitimate way to collect and analyze data. I’m not saying that it’s nice, or legal, or ethical, but it’s effective. It’s up to the agency using this technique to justify and qualify what they do. And yes – keep it quiet – just because of this delicate nature of collection.
Now, back to the data. Yes – agencies (and I’m not picking on the NSA here, these kinds of capabilities exist with lots of other agencies), have these kinds of capabilities to wiretap, modify, exploit and persist on a lot of kinds of accounts and systems. It’s what they are tasked with doing. That’s not even news. But I think that the fact that this comes up again is critical because of something completely different: OPSEC. Operational Security.
The NSA has fallen (again) to the oldest sin of spying – getting cocky. You can see the same behavior from anyone who’s picking up a new capability – be it a script kiddie picking up Metasploit for the first time, someone getting to be decent at martial arts, or any other skill. They get cocky. And think they are unbeatable. And that’s when mistakes start to show up. Basic OPSEC. And I believe that this is an important lesson to learn. Again. Because OPSEC is not a compliance thing that you check off once and forget about it. It’s a basic practice that (should be) taught to everyone that participates in tradecraft. And practiced. And apparently the NSA isn’t that great at it (surprise!). Hence their powerpoint slides are all over the Internet now.
So that’s my little 2c on the topic. Yes – I support spy agencies continued practice, and yes – I support anonymity and privacy, and yes – I support the law and the need to keep improving it. I support the creation of free and open source software designed to enhance your anonymity and privacy. I have actually met Jacob a couple of times (and found it funny that he’s freaking out every time we do meet), and actually think he’s a great guy. Same for Moxie. Complicated? I mentioned it at the beginning. So there you have it. Deal with it.
Now go watch Jake’s talk from CCC. You have to. Because I said so. And for crying out loud – get your OPSEC together.
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