Category: Aladdin
Obama Leads in US Presidential Election Poll – the eCrime Way
And the leader according to the highly non-scientific research done using Google for a specific attack vector is: Barack Obama. Obama related sites have managed to get infected in such a way that they attack their visitors in 364 separate instances, while McCain is right behind with 230 instances. As always, and as we have…
Taking the Red Pill Down the Rabbit Hole
I’ve been contemplating a title for this post for a long time, eventually I decided to merge two of my favorites (and leave the third alone: looking for the cuckoo’s egg). Basically, after a couple of weeks of almost nonstop work on a major research project (hence the relatively quiet blog), and some major news…
Neosploit – The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated
Despite being reported as “out of business†in late July/August, (see this blog, and this article as well), Neosploit, one of the most widely used tools by cybercriminals, clearly hasn’t ceased to exist . In fact, we have recently confirmed a highly enhanced Neosploit 3.1 installation to be out and about, and serving Malweb to…
Blocking legitimate sites in real-time
I Ran into this on Slashdot: It seems like the Google filter for malicious sites was blocking a whole domain name – including all sub-domains, which happened to be a dynamic DNS provider. A Big false positive, and a big problem to all the legitimate sites that were hosted using this domain. Disclosure –…
Snooping into Palin emails? Watch out for the criminals snooping on you!
Following the recent news on how an anonymous group has managed to take over Sarah Palin’s Yahoo! email account; we have noticed some interesting happenings. As wikileaks which was the original posting location of the images taken from Palin’s yahoo inbox was unavailable for some time, copies of the wikileaks post started to appear on…