Tag: cybercrime
Identity crisis
Here’s a common question I get asked a lot: “What technology should I use to secure my server/network/[some technology]?†The question is usually presented by someone who’s in charge of “Security†in an organization. Now, I wouldn’t have had a problem with this if this was a technician, or a pen-tester of sorts, but I…
Cyber[Crime|War] – connecting the dots – BlackHat EU 2010
Hola from Barcelona! It’s been a very productive couple of days here. Quite a lineup for this version of the BlackHat briefings out here. I had the great fortune of speaking right after a fantastic opening by Jeff Moss (BlackHat founder and director) and Max Kelly (Facebook’s CSO) that just set me up perfectly –…
Cyber[FUD]Fare – repost from fudsec.com
As promised – here is the “official” cross-post from my guest appearance on fudsec.com. Enjoy! I’ve been intravenously fed with FUD for as long as I’ve been in the business. The main strategy for understanding that you are facing FUD is to realize that there is a financial motivation behind the FUD-spreading entity. This has…
New post on fudsec.com – CyberFUDfare
Just a quick FYI – a new post by yours truly has been published over at fudsec.com. One of my favorite blogs with some really cool contents (still wondering how I ended up publishing there 🙂 ) Have fun reading: http://fudsec.com/cyberfudfare