Tag: cybercrime
It’s all about the money
Coverage of the latest developments in the ZeuS botnet software licensing, and fighting the botnet internet connectivity.
ExoticLiability podcast interview
OK, so a quick shameless plug for me and a couple of good friends at EL: I had the pleasure of throwing it all out with the ExoticLiability crew over the weekend, which ended up in a pretty cool podcast. Check it out at www.exoticliability.com (episode 51). May not be completely safe for listening to at…
CyberCrime, CyberWarfare, and 2010
I’ll spare you the “2009 security in review” which you can read just about anywhere else you go now. I’ll also avoid the “what to expect in security in 2010” because everyone would just reiterate the same stuff they saw coming to life in 2009… What I would do is give a quick preview on…