Tag: defcon
Vegas 2012 by the Numbers
So, I’m finally back from a very long week in Vegas. How long you ask? well, here are some numbers that start to reflect how it felt: Number of days in Vegas: 6+1 (un-planned extra day due to a missed flight) Number of conferences attended: 3.5 (BlackHat, BSidesLV, Defcon, and IOAsis counts as a 1/2…
SexyDefense comes to Vegas!
One of the best things that probably happened to the research on SexyDefense is that it has been accepted to BlackHat Briefings in Las Vegas! It is truly one of the highest indicators for me that we are on the right track in making some change in the defensive paradigm, especially in light of the…
Upcoming conferences schedule: August-November 2011
So, as if I didn’t have enough flights this year, here is where you can find me and hang out / grab a beer / talk shop / hack: August BSidesLVÂ (August 3-4). If you are in Vegas in August, this is THE place to be. I’ll be running a couple of talks there – one…