Tag: Malware
Amazonian Trojans and Marketing Fear-Mongering
Hello there, welcome back to our scheduled programming on how to drum up clicks and views on your website “Powered by Fear Uncertainty and Doubt”. As most marketing organizations know, sometimes you need to be a little creative when coming up with news and research. You draw a target for your security researchers to hit, and…
Relying on AV? Really?
I tried to hold back on this one, but if you’ve read this blog (or met me in person) you know it’s hard… Another amazing research coming out of your favorite AV vendor – uncovering ground breaking security implications. Take a minute to read this: http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/simple-njrat-fuels-nascent-middle-east-cybercrime-scene Admittedly, I have stopped reading any AV vendor’s blog…
On BadBIOS and Bad Behavior
So, unless you are in the security industry and have been living under a rock in the last couple of weeks, you probably know what this #BadBIOS thing refers to. It started when Dragos Ruiu, a highly respected researcher and the founder and organizer of CanSecWest (and PacSec, and EuSecWest) started posting about his exxperience…
Guest post: Why you need patch management
Today we have another guest post from our friends at GFI – this time on patch management (which unfortunately is one of the reasons that so many pentests are so easy to succeed in…) Every organization uses several types of software such as operating systems, servers, clients and many other third party applications. Every software…