Tag: security
Upcoming Conference Schedule
I have been fortunate enough to be picked up by several CFP of great conferences, which basically gave me the opportunity to participate at conferences I wanted to go to anyway, as well as to present some of the research in the CyberCrime/CyberWar field. After BlackHat Europe (see related post), I will be speaking at:…
Being in the middle (or: things we didn’t manage to learn in a decade)
Things that we should be fixing in security.
Cyber[FUD]Fare – repost from fudsec.com
As promised – here is the “official” cross-post from my guest appearance on fudsec.com. Enjoy! I’ve been intravenously fed with FUD for as long as I’ve been in the business. The main strategy for understanding that you are facing FUD is to realize that there is a financial motivation behind the FUD-spreading entity. This has…
New post on fudsec.com – CyberFUDfare
Just a quick FYI – a new post by yours truly has been published over at fudsec.com. One of my favorite blogs with some really cool contents (still wondering how I ended up publishing there 🙂 ) Have fun reading: http://fudsec.com/cyberfudfare