Tag: technical
Pentesters and businessman are doing it wrong
What we are doing wrong as a security services industry, what businesses are doing wrong when they engage us, and how to fix it
Tying up loose ends before Vegas (scammer closure)
Instead of updating the post in question (again), I figured I’ll post all the new info here and call this a wrap. So, we all know about the security scammer now, and the different ways he is working to defraud innocent users and steal their data and money. It has been quite an experience tracking…
How [not to] scam security people
An analysis of a rogue security tool that tries to steal passwords and scam people out of their paypal money and accounts.
Blocking legitimate sites in real-time
I Ran into this on Slashdot: http://tech.slashdot.org/tech/08/09/21/1827209.shtml. It seems like the Google filter for malicious sites was blocking a whole domain name – including all sub-domains, which happened to be a dynamic DNS provider. A Big false positive, and a big problem to all the legitimate sites that were hosted using this domain. Disclosure –…