Tag: toolkit
The Botnet Wars – industry Q&A
I was approached recently by Bart PÂ from Panda security in order to participate in an industry expert Q&A about the botnet wars (apparently he did his homework as he got quite the lineup to participate in this, guessed he can count me as a close miss :-)…). He managed to compile a great Q&A where…
Down the rabbit hole all the way to Miami
So the talk at Hacker Halted was really good – I was impressed with the quality of the audience and the presentations. As promised, I’m posting my slide deck here for your reference. Enjoy! Down_the_rabbit_Hole-Ian_Amit
The impact of just 5 random letters…
We have been watching in amazement the impact our latest Malicious Page of the Month had on the industry and media. From coverage at Fox Business News, and the Washington Post, all the way to the more “traditional” security outlets such as SecurityFocus, SC Magazine and bloggers such as Dancho Danchev. The scary thing is the…
Tying it all up – explosive exploits…
The funniest thing happened yesterday – at a watercooler conversation our CTO informs us of a site that uses techniques from almost all of our trend reports (which means we are right as usual…). The interesting part was that it was one of those “iframe” sites that give you a small iframe html code to…